| Chair Purpose:To learn the skills necessary to run an effective business meeting. Emphasis is placed on the use of parliamentary procedure to control a meeting.
Before the Meeting:The chairman is responsible for the overall success of the business meeting. There are a number of things you should do before the meeting. Phone all the members of the club executive to confirm their attendance. These include: President, VP Ed VP Membership VP Marketing Secretary Treasurer Sergeant at Arms
If you are unsure about rules of parliamentary procedure. A quick review of the basics of a business meeting. We follow Robert's Rules of Order. Don't be afraid to call on a senior member for help.
At the Meeting:The chairman is responsible for keeping the business meeting in order. Your responsibilities during the meeting include: Declare the meeting open. Announce any program changes. Ask for the moment of reflection. Ask for the toast. Conduct the business meeting. Declare business meeting open. Ask Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ask if there are any errors or omissions in the minutes. Declare minutes adopted as read (if correct)/ amended (if corrections have been made). Ask for club officer reports. Ask for unfinished business. Ask for new business. Declare business meeting adjourned. Introduce the Toastmaster.
Tips and Traps:Consult the Agenda and do whatever you possibly can to keep on schedule. Time is important and whatever you can do to make sure the meeting stays on time is essential. The Club doesn't usually designate a parliamentarian. Knowing the basics of parliamentary procedure (refer to the "Roberts Rules of Order") will allow you to handle most situations effectively. However, occasionally, an unusual situation may arise where some seldom used rule of parliamentary procedure may be exercised. Becoming familiar with the role of chairman will be beneficial both within Toastmasters and in other organizations you may be involved with.