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Sergeant at Arms


To learn the skills necessary to prepare a business meeting. Emphasis is placed on organizing the people and facilities to ensure that all meeting participants can perform their functions without interruption.

Before the Meeting:

The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for the successful start of the meeting. There are a number of things you should do before the meeting. 

Call the person organizing the meeting, Toastmaster and/or VP Ed to see whether there are any unusual physical requirements for the meeting. Ask if there are any special guests planned. 

Find out if there is an assigned meeting theme that you may want to use in your introduction of the Chairmen.

At the Meeting:

Make sure the room is set up. Assigning someone to assist you in greeting the guests is a good idea.

Greet all guests as they arrive and present them to a club member who should obtain a bit of background information, how they found out about the club/Toastmasters, etc. to use in their introductions.

The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for setting the tone for the meeting and to getting started on time. An enthusiastic start helps to get the meeting off to a good start. Your responsibilities during the meeting include:

  • Declare the meeting open.

  • Announce any program changes.

  • Introduce the President

Tips and Traps:

Take the time to write down the spelling and, if necessary, the pronunciation of all guest names. Obtain the proper titles and club names of all visiting Toastmasters.  

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